Monday, 31 December 2012

Lyme Regis

A female black redstart, 5 purple sandpipers and a pair of dipper at Lyme Regis on 30th December.

Andy Grinter

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Rose-coloured Starling, Exminster, Devon

This 1st winter bird has been frequenting the area around the Church in Exminster for over a week now. Seen and photographed by Dave Helliar:

1st winter Rose-coloured starling: D Helliar

1st winter Rose-coloured starling: D Helliar

1st winter Rose-coloured starling: D Helliar

Monday, 17 December 2012

Hawfinch at Bruton

Two in fact, photographed by Dave Helliar at the weekend in Bruton churchyard - here's one of them, fantastic birds -

Hawfinch, Bruton: D Helliar

Hope they hang around!

Thursday, 13 December 2012

One year ago...

A year ago on 14 December, Chard Res was lucky enough to have a pair of drake ring-necked ducks drop in before settling at Chard Gravel Pits:

Monday, 10 December 2012


Thanks to Dave Helliar for the following shots of the Otterhampton waxwings, fantastic birds to see anywhere but particularly nice in Somerset:

Dave also got some better photos of the Temminck's stint at Stockland Reach, lovely little bird:

Friday, 7 December 2012

Temmincks Stint, Stockland Reach, Steart

This one's been hanging around on the flooded pool at Stockland Reach for 5 days now and looks quite happy too. It was showing down to 20 yards, pity the light was so bad and it was blowing a howling north-westerly wind - might have got some decent shots then...

Short video clip below - you can tell how windy it was...

Monday, 3 December 2012


Just clearing out some recycling in my garage this morning, when I came across this little monster.

It's a Drassodes sp. (there are two that are inseparable without a microscope) and yes, those are it's fangs you can see. Needless to say I didn't handle this one and it moved very quickly, so no able to get great shots of it either. With a body about 10mm long, it was a reasonable size too. They are fierce nocturnal hunters and use their weapons to pierce woodlice armour.