Apologies for the recent lack of posts. I've been tied up on other projects, not least a forthcoming trip to the Far East. More news to come on that over the next few weeks.
Thanks to Dave Helliar for supplying a nice set of pics of scarce and interesting birds around the tri-county area from the last 4-6 weeks. There have been some nice birds around...
Pectoral Sandpiper, Durleigh Res 29 September: D. Helliar |
Grey Phalarope, Otterhampton Marsh 29 September: D. Helliar |
Med Gull, Chard Res, 1 October: D. Helliar |
Glossy Ibis, Fremington Pill, Devon 06 October: D. Helliar |
Glossy Ibis, Fremington Pill, Devon 06 October: D. Helliar |
Great White Egret, nr Chard 06 October: D. Helliar |
Pintail, Nr Chard: D. Helliar |
Yellow-browed Warbler, Nr Chard 07 October: D. Helliar |
Some great shots again Dave!