It's easy to question (and despair) where the next generation of naturalists will come from. There are exceptions out there but as a parent I can vouch for the fact that very few children (none in my sons primary school!) seem to have an interest in the natural world around them; they get their nose in an iPad and it can be a challenge to get them outside. So when my thirteen year old Goddaughter phoned me last night and asked if I could take her to see a snake, I jumped at the opportunity.
Luckily there's a reliable site close by for Grass Snakes
Natrix helvetica, so we went there this morning to try our luck. She was not disappointed. Upon flipping the refuge we found a female Slow Worm
Anguis fragilis and a good size male Grass Snake who was close to sloughing. Not wanting the inevitable 'musking' to put her off, she donned a pair of disposable gloves and didn't hesitate to hold both the Slow Worm and the Grass Snake - perhaps there's some hope yet...
Handle with care. The first time my
Goddaughter held a Snake...and it
was her idea! |
Rightly pleased with herself - she was worried
She might have hurt the snake but it was
feigning death in the hope she'd leave it alone. |
You see this behaviour often but certainly more frequently when
sloughing and they feel at their most vulnerable. |
I look forward to showing her more next spring and hopefully kindling an interest that will last her a lifetime.