Well, I didn't get any time to go birding in Canada as my work schedule was very tight. However, I did manage to see a few things on my travels (1200 miles in 6 days) and below are a few of the photos and record shots I managed to get.
Western Gull, Juvenile - English Bay, Vancouver |
Western Gull, Juvenile - English Bay, Vancouver |
Pelagic cormorant, Vancouver |
1st winter Ring-billed Gull, Vancouver |
California Gull, Vancouver |
California Gull, Osoyoos, BC (also next 2) |
Glaucous-winged Gull, Vancouver |
2nd winter Glaucous-winged Gull, Vancouver |
2nd winter Glaucous-winged Gull |
Juvenile Glaucous-winged Gull, Vancouver |
Clarke's Nutcracker, BC |
Brewers Blackbird, male, Osoyoos |
Brewers Blackbird, Osoyoos |
Northern Flicker, Osoyoos |
Western Tanager, Osoyoos |
Gray Jay, BC |
Gray Jay, BC |
Say's Phoebe, Vernon |
Juvenile California Gull |
Ring-billed gull, Osoyoos |
record shot of female red-winged blackbird |
Cassin's Finch |
Cassin's Finch |
Least chipmunk - well marked for a western one |
Red Squirrel |
Black bear - best photo I could get! |
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