Sunday 23 August 2015

Vespula germanica...

I've only just started really getting into wasps. Like most people I usually find myself swatting them away from food and drink when eating alfresco and until recently I never gave them the time of day they deserve. Of the 10 or so species in the Vespinae family, I've only seen (and been stung by) two (as far as I know). Vespula germanica is one of our commonest species and the only one I've made the effort to identify before. The fallen fruit in the garden is now attracting quite a few and I'm hoping for something different soon. But until then, I'll make do with these. The abdominal pattern is quite distinctive and the face pattern clinches it. They really are striking when you look at them closely.

Vespula germanica: R Harris
Vespula germanica: R Harris
Vespula germanica: R Harris
Vespula germanica: R Harris
Vespula germanica: R Harris
ID chart courtesy of BWARS:

Photo by (C) Josef Dvorak for BWARS

Also of interest in the garden today was this Southern Aeshna Aeshna cyanea:

Aeshna cyanea: R. Harris
Aeshna cyanea: R. Harris
And a few distinctive flies (thanks for the ID's Dave):

Chrysotoxum bicinctum: R Harris
Mesembrina meridiana: R Harris
Chrysotoxum bicinctum: R. Harris

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