Friday 23 October 2015

Quiet times...

Things really seem to have gone quiet locally. With plenty of rare birds at either end of the country recently, this part of the West feels like we are in a black hole for goodies at the moment. Indeed I haven't seen a single scarce bird this Autumn, partly because work has been busy and I haven't been able to shoot off but also a distinct lack of twitchable rares within striking distance. Still, there have been a few spiders out-and-about in the cool, grey weather and I've still recorded Noctule, Pipistrelle and Soprano Pipistrelle up until a few days ago.

Lepthyphantes tenuis (just 2mm long): R. Harris
Mangora acalypha : R. Harris
Zygiella x-notata: R. Harris

A male Speckled Bush Cricket found its way into the bathroom too:

Speckled Bush Cricket: R. Harris
It's not too late for something good to put in an appearance - here's hoping for a Pallas's warbler in the next week or two.

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