I’m very lucky. My job frequently takes me off to one of the World’s most desirable tourist destinations, Canada. I’ve just got back from a whirlwind visit to the eastern Provinces leading a group from Montreal to Quebec City, through to New Brunswick, on to Nova Scotia and finishing in Newfoundland...all in a week!
Whilst work always comes first, there’s no way I can avoid birding on my travels and this trip was no exception. Without trying at all I managed to see 40+ species in the cities we visited. All common species but always good to see.
Hopewell Rocks situated in the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick is home to the highest tides in the world. They fall and rise up to 52 ft each day and you can walk on the ocean floor as the tide recedes. It was also good for a few species including a stonking male Parula Warbler.
At high tide the water laps around the base of the vegetation
on top of the rockes in this picture. |
American Goldfinch, male. Very common everywhere: R. Harris |
Dark-eyed (Slate-colored) Junco at Hopewell Rocks, NB |
American Robin, Hopewell Rocks, NB |
The ubiquitous Song Sparrow, one of the commonest
species to be seen and heard in eastern Canada. |
Northern Parula, male at Hopewell Rocks: R. Harris |
Chipping Sparrow, Saint John, NB |
St Andrews by-the-sea is another very pretty little town with colonial style detached houses, big lawns and lots of American Robins. There must have been in excess of 15 on the one short street that I walked.
American Robins, St Andrews by-the-sea, NB |
American Robin, juvenile |
Common Grackle, St Andrews, NB |
St Andrews is also great for whale watching as it lies on the Bay of Fundy. A two hour zodiac trip produced mostly Minke Whales along with a possible Fin, lots of harbour porpoise and some distant dolphins.
This town is whale crazy! |
St Andrews, New Brunswick |
Heavily cropped Minke Whale, Bay of Fundy |
Harbour Porpoise |
Harbour Porpoise |
Then it was on to the Algonquin Resort, one of the top properties in the region and surrounded by leafy suburbs and a few more birds including American Redstart, Mourning Dove, Chimney Swift, Tree Swallow, and a few sparrow species...
The Algonquin Resort, St Andrews by-the-sea, NB |
Another Song Sparrow, they're everywhere. |
American Redstart, male. Easier to hear than to see sometimes.
A bit of pishing brought this one out briefly. |
American Redstart, male. |
After New Brunswick we boarded 'The Ocean' a VIA Rail service linking Moncton, NB to Halifax Nova Scotia. Our first trip out was to see the iconic Peggy's Cove and its famous lighthouse.
Peggy's Cove, NS |
The Lighthouse at Peggy's Cove.
If you'd been standing here on 2 September 1998
you would have witnessed the final moments of
Swiss Air 111 as it crashed into the sea killing all 229 passengers and crew |
I noticed a small, long-tailed warbler flitting around the scrub and with a bit of pishing, out it popped - a young male Yellowthroat not 8 ft away.
Yellowthroat, young male - Peggy's Cove, NS |
If that wasn't enough my pishing soon attracted this stunning male Yellow Warbler too.
Yellow Warbler, male - Peggy's Cove, NS |
Yellow Warbler, male - Peggy's Cove, NS |
Followed almost immediately by this Gray Catbird - pishing works so well in North America!
Gray Catbird, Peggy's Cove, NS |
Aside from birds the local Pitcher Plants were in full bloom too. These brightly coloured plants are insectivorous, luring flies and other insects into the pitchers at the flower base. Here they drown in the fluid filled cups and the plants absorb the resulting mineral soup.
Pitcher Plant, Peggy's Cove, NS |
The pitcher, where insects meet their demise. |
We finished our tour with a seven hour stop at St John's, Newfoundland. Enough time to have a city tour, a side trip to Cape Spear, a brewery tour at Quidi Vidi and dinner before catching our Air Canada flight home.
Quidi Vidi, St John's, Newfoundland |
Quidi Vidi produced the usual gull species, Black Duck, Dark-eyed Junco and this obliging Common Tern.
Common Tern, Quidi Vidi, NF |
What a fantastic trip. Canada never disappoints and I can't wait for my next visit.
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