Ok, only a plastic bird and a couple of spiders but I'll take what I can get.
Took my son into the park next door last night and was surprised to see a flyover ring-necked parakeet heading south calling it's head off all the way! Lame bird aside I did have two new spiders in the house last night taking my house tally up to 21 species. They were...
Lepthyphantes tenuis: R. Harris |
Lepthyphantes tenuis: R. Harris |
Scotophaeus blackwalli: R. Harris |
Scotophaeus blackwalli: R. Harris |
Neither of them rare (and neither as big as they look in the photos) but amazing I'm still getting new species after two years of cataloguing!
Actually there was another new patch species in the form of Jersey Tiger moth this morning too but didn't get a chance to photograph it.
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